If you friend me, you will be treated to random pictures of my family, an occasional anti-politics rant, tasteless commentary, and an endless string of random musings.
I can and will comment on anything. I have been tossed off numerous blogs numerous times, including the Jericho blog at CBS (multiple bannings), WBZ TV's many commentary sites (yes, that's a multiple smack and multiple times), Boston.com's blog, the Herald's website, the Eagle Tribune site ... I even managed to get my own blog shut down.
I am incredibly talented that way.

I also love to rant and rave and chat and comment and just plain old drivel until I fall asleep in the computer chair. Sometimes I have the downstairs computer and the upstairs computer going at the same time like some twisted techno-geek version of Dueling Banjos but with a reasonably full set of teeth.
Truth be told, I have verbal diarrhea in my fingers.
Hopefully this is a personal defect that will serve me well while writing my thesis, which begins anytime. Any moment. I can start submitting material like a week ago. I was supposed to spend today cleaning up the hard drive of my downstairs computer so I can start filling it up again, but I got distracted. I got distracted reading old magazines that I want out of the house before the new year starts and I got distracted by FB friends, some old and some new.
But I swear I will pay bills and print out bank statements and start my thesis tomorrow. I promise. After all, tomorrow is another day ... at Tara ... and frankly, my dears, I don't give a damn.
Which reminds me. Are there any good movies on?
Yeah, like this thesis is ever going to get started. I need to go wipe off my fingers. They have verbal diarrhea again. I tried to warn you. Danger. Danger! Oh, what the hell. If Will Robinson won't even listen, why should anyone else?
Happy Saturday, all.