Saturday, May 13, 2017


What better way to spend a Friday afternoon than staying an extra ninety minutes at work, right?

I have so much to do over the next few weeks, and I can already see the time slipping away from me: time to start the last reading unit with the kiddos, time to get the new computer-based curriculum up and running, time to finish up the brand new grammar program, time to do all the end-of-year testing, time to get my classroom in order, time to copy the last of the papers that need to be copied, etc.  The List goes on.  As a matter of fact, I'm more than a little terrified of The List.

I cram as much into my planning period as possible, but, even then, I'm after school trying to get organized.  Finally, though, about forty-five minutes after everyone has left in my wing of the building, my desk is clear enough to try and make some copies so I can be remotely ready for Monday and beyond.  We have state testing next week, so I have to plan carefully and to avoid burn-out (mine and the students').

The good news about staying late is that there is a wine tasting one place and a beer tasting at another place.  If I manage my time correctly, I could theoretically make it to both -- it is not a mathematical impossibility.  I set up my binder and papers in the copy room and have at it.

Forty-five minutes later, I'm nearing the end of my copying.  I had pre-filled the copy machine with several reams of paper before I started, but I don't dare look at what's left.  It's okay, though.  No one else is copying until Monday, and I'm usually #1 or #2 here, anyway because ... well ... because I cannot seem to get out of my own way.

On my way out the door, I see another teacher in the next wing.  We chat for a few minutes.  She is finishing up her professional goals binder (due by Monday), and, like me, she is on a roll and so close, so close, so close.  I suddenly feel like a quitter.  I have so much to do that I shouldn't be leaving, not now and maybe not ever.

However, it is Friday.  A couple of sips of wine and a few small samples of local beer await me, and, as this blog attests, I am not one to shirk my duties.  I make it out to my car and start the auto-pilot to the wine store.  The List will still be there next week, and right now the item on The List says, "Get out will you still can!"