Tales of Trials and Tribulations ... and Other Disasters
Saturday, April 15, 2017
The patio is moving a little closer to being set up completely. Today the grill gets cleaned and moved into place. After scrubbing and wiping and scraping, I decide to dirty the grill up and start cooking dinner on the barbecue.
It is a perfect evening. The blue sky is fading away, and hamburgers are on the grill. Oh, and I began April break at noontime.
The patio is not quite finished -- chairs to be put out, perhaps a plant or two. Like summer, though, everything inches along until all of a sudden everything is in its place. I'm not hurrying summer. Spring is, after all, a wonderful time of year.
Okay, I lied. Maybe I am hurrying summer just a bit, but after a spectacular day like today and a few more on tap this week, it's hard not to.
Enjoy the weekend, all, and to my local teacher pals, enjoy the next nine days.