Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Everybody has to stop breathing.  Now.  Right now.

Stop breathing, coughing, farting, belching, hiccoughing, wiping snots, touching things with your infected hands, and, for the love of all things sane, stop, stop, STOP spreading your germs.

For the last few nights I have been restlessly semi-sleeping.  I have bad dreams, and even dream that I wake up very late for work and have to rush, rush, rush.  This makes me even more tired.  During the day (many days ... endless days) I have a headache (with varying levels of severity) that seems never to end.  I also have a general sense of malaise. 

Look, I'm ten days away from a school break, and a well-deserved one, at that.  I might finally be able to catch up on all that stupid paperwork that I have to file for the district and the state.  (Yeah, and you people think teachers sit around and eat bonbons.)  I need days off to catch up on my days-on work.

So, please, especially you children, just stop.  Stop spreading your horrific, toxic, highly contagious plagues around the school.  Stop puking, spewing, and blowing snot.  If it means you hold your breath for an hour in my class, then hold it.  Hold everything in -- your farts, boogers, and mucus.

I just need to survive for ten more measly (not MEASLE-y) days.  Then perhaps I can sleep and rest and catch up on healthy lifestyle patterns.  I beg of you -- keep your germ-riddled bodies encapsulated.

Either that, or stop breathing.  Those are your options.