Thursday, January 28, 2016


I don't know who keeps putting candy in the bowl in our lunchroom at work, but she had better cut that out.  I'm getting fat.

The other day she loaded the bowl with a mix of candy, among which were small Reese's Peanut Butter Cups -- five of them in the bowl with other assorted candy.

I took all five.  I got dirty looks from my coworkers, but I didn't care.

Yesterday, the bowl mysteriously refilled.  Remembering my teammates' judging eyes, I only took one.  Just one.

Today (through Friday) is a half day.  We have conferences later; two evenings' worth and one afternoon filled with them.  There will be no lunch today because of our altered schedule and because we must return around suppertime for evening conferences.

But, I simply MUST make copies.

Why, you ask?  Because the copier is in the lunchroom where the bowl is, and, like Aladdin's magic lamp, something magical resides there.

In the bowl are more Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

I hear someone coming down the hall, so I quickly eat one (yes, chocolate candy at 7 a.m.  Sue me.).  I rapidly move away from the bowl, then I casually sidle. over to it, pretending I've never seen that bowl before.  Ever so craftily, I act totally surprised when my coworker enters the lunchroom to borrow one of the iPad carts because this room, in addition to being a lunchroom and a copy room, is also tech workroom.

"Oh, look!" I exclaim with wide eyes, "More peanut butter cups!"

 I have no self-restraint, and I say this as if having no self-restraint against Reese's Peanut Butter Cups is a horrible thing.  Then again, I dare any one of you to walk past an entire bowl loaded with peanut butter cups.

It's an impossible chocolate task.