Thursday, June 18, 2015


I think I’m losing my mind.

Today in the grocery store, I have to retrace my steps not once, not twice, but three times.  Three frigging times. 

Okay, so the first time shouldn’t even count because I only circle the produce section, doubling back to make sure I’ve properly judged the strawberries (not worth buying – I’ll go local for those), and then picking out some watermelon (worth buying).  I’m not sure if that qualifies for actually retracing my own steps. 

The second time, I realize that I have forgotten cereal, but I am only in aisle 7 when I remember this, so I only cover half the store to go back and grab some.  I decide on small prepackaged bowls of various cereals since I can’t for the life of me remember what is already on the shelf in the cabinet at home … you know … because I’m losing my mind.

The third time just pisses me off because I have already been in the aisle to which I must return.  I already shopped in the snacks aisle back around aisle #2, but no.  I’m in aisle #11 when I remember that we need more Cheez-Its in the house.  I am so mad that I must go back to where I already was that I buy the Cheez-Its that I like and damn anybody else.  I get the extra toasted ones.  It’s awesome – they’re all slightly overcooked, just the way I like them.  I get two boxes.

After that, I schlep all the way back to the other end of the store to get bread and applesauce.  I am so proud of myself and my shopping adventure when I finally reach my car that I immediately load up and get the hell out of Dodge.  I zoom home, start unloading groceries, open the fridge, and –

Damnation.  The kid is out of Gatorade (not on my list) and I forgot the stupid eggs (on my list) in the last aisle.

It’s all okay, though, folks.  I’m allowed to mess this shit up.  After all, I think I’m losing my mind.  Seriously, that will be my defense when this is all said and done.