Sunday, September 21, 2014


Finally it’s the weekend, and the wine in my refrigerator doesn’t have to attack me anymore while trying to get my undivided attention.

You know how refrigerators have compartments in the door that open out a bit so you can get tall bottles into them?  Well, every single morning for the last week, that bottom door compartment has been popping open, and I have to shove it closed again, fitting the two wine bottles back into their proper place.  I like wine, but not first thing in the morning while trying to make my lunch for work.

It goes something like this:

ME:  (opening fridge) Time to make my lunch!
WINE:  (popping out at me from the fridge door)  Surprise!  It’s Monday!
ME:  Get back in there.  I’ll be home later.
[Next day…]
WINE:  Good morning!
ME:  No.  It’s 6:15 a.m.  I told you yesterday.  Later!
[Next day…]
ME:  You said that Monday.
WINE:  Yeah, but it didn’t work Monday.
ME:  And it’s not going to work today.  (Kicking compartment closed)  Back in ya go.
[Next day…]
WINE:  We’re waiting!
ME:  Shit, you scared me that time.
WINE:  Why, weren’t you expecting us to do our usual routine?
ME:  Yes, but today I’m awfully tempted.  Ooops, look at the time!  Gotta go!
ME:  Wine?  Are you there? … Hello?  HELLO?! 
WINE:  (singing)  Everybody’s working for the weekend!
ME:  Hmmmm, the clock says 8:42, but I know damn well it’s noontime somewhere.

The bad news is that my wine talks to and attacks me.  The good news is that it’s still the weekend, and I ultimately have control of the fridge … for now, anyway.  Hold on.  I think there are voices coming out of the door in my fridge.  It sounds like the wine bottles are reading “The Cask of Amontillado.”  Uh, should I be worried?  Hello?  HELLO?  Can anybody hear ---