Saturday, September 20, 2014


Look, it’s Saturday!  I made it to Saturday!  I can hardly believe it.  Long week, including a meeting on Monday after school and then Back to School night Wednesday.  I’ll spend my Saturday doing paperwork, just like I swore I wouldn’t, but it has to be done.  I made it, though.  I just wanted people to know that.  At least, if I actually wake up Saturday then I made it!  Woohoo!  Of course, if you don’t hear from me at all, then I may be buried under an avalanche of paper.  I’ll send out an SOS – Saturday Officially Swamped.  You can be like my kiddos at school who, when seeing my window-opening/shutting antics were horrified I would fall from the desk or heater on which I was standing and fracture my numbskull.  They decided that if I were still alive, they’d call the nurse.  If not, they’d dump me out the window and deny, deny, deny.  They figured my body wouldn’t smell until spring.  So, if you don’t notice me posting, assume that I’ve either been incapacitated by useless educational, mandated forms or that my corpse lies rotting outside a school window.  But it’s okay.  It’s Saturday, and I’ve made it.  It’s like Ripley’s Believe It or Not.  Now, off to dig out from under Paper Mountain.  Remember to send the Saint Bernards with the alcohol.  I’ll be right here.  Digging out … like it’s winter.