Thursday, September 25, 2014


Ick.  Someone is spreading the plague around work.

I hear rumors today that it is as close as the hallway that connects to mine, that several teachers in that end of the building have been sick.

When do I hear this?  About two hours into a massive headache attack.

I come home right after work, take a couple of Tylenol, and cook up something great to eat, then I sit down to get some work done.  Next thing I know my head is bobbing atop the table and I’m waking up from being out cold.  I don’t remember falling asleep, but suddenly I feel like I could drag myself to bed and just stay there. 

I clean up the kitchen then flop onto the couch, convinced I won’t nap.  I’ll just rest for a few minutes.  Half hour later the phone rings, jarring me from sleep.

Am I just overly tired?  I haven’t been sleeping well, and I’ve been working after school every night until past 11:00. 

Please don’t let it be the plague.  I still have the headache, and now my nose feels runny.  No plague!  Fall lacrosse starts this weekend.  It’s supposed to be sunny and 80 degrees on Sunday and I need another beach day.  Please, oh please, let it not be the plague!

Damn you people who breathe at work.  Stop breathing.  You’re spreading your disgusting germs, and you’re spreading the plague.  I cannot get the plague until after fall lacrosse season, so just stop all that damn breathing until mid-November.

In the meantime, someone hand me a hammer.  If I can’t get this ache out of my head, I just might have to take another nap, even if I have to knock myself out to do it.  It may not help, but it’s better than hanging out just waiting for the plague to pounce or the Tylenol to kick in.