Monday, November 19, 2012


Bills.  Hate 'em; gotta pay 'em. 

When our oldest was born, we gave him a name that truly does exist in baby books and was actually quite popular at the time, but it was still an unusual name.  One friend of ours, Bill, was extremely offended by our choice of names.  After all, Bill came from a family of Williams and Marks and other strong Anglo-Saxon names.

Finally, one fall Friday afternoon, our friend erupted about our terrible naming ability, as if we had failed parenting school or something.  He didn't have any kids; he didn't have any responsibilities; he didn't even have a steady girlfriend.  He started yelling, "I just don't like your kid's name!"

I let him talk himself out and waited until he and the rest of the guys took uncomfortably long swigs of beer to avoid the conversation lull.  Calmly I picked the baby up and brought him right over to our friend.  I plopped the child into the big man's lap, announcing, "We don't care much for BILLS either, but we put up with you, don't we?"

If your name is a common homonym, you might want to consider its dual meaning before hurling stones at someone else's name.  Bill.  Dick.  Fanny. 

And that goes for people who run immigration centers, too.  We knew a boy who came to America with his parents from Asia.  They wanted to Americanize their son, so they decided to name him Alan.  The only problem was that their pronunciation and the worker's intelligence level resulted in the poor boy being registered as Airline.  That's right, you heard that correctly:  Airline.  His name will forever be Airline.

Another case that grates on me is that of the Middle Eastern family whose daughter is named something that sounds much like Shih-THEE-yud.  That's fine; name your kid(s) whatever you want.  I did … three times.  However, this is another spelling error even more serious than Airline's.  This time the paperwork was filled out for Shi-thee-ud but spelled (without the hyphens) -- Shi-the-ad.  Yup, exactly.  SHITHEAD.  Her parents had been allowed to register her for school  and even for life as SHIT HEAD.

There's one name that'll NEVER be written on the class room board.

Okay, I'm off.  Gotta pay some BILLS.