Sunday, November 18, 2012


It took me hours of procrastination last night, but the fake tree is finally standing and its lights are on.  Today I am hoping to trick two of my children (I would like to trick all three, but one of them managed to escape) into putting the ornaments onto it.  I had great intentions of finishing it all in one day, but that didn't happen, and a simple tree-raising has turned into a major ordeal.  

I was sidetracked by a sale, driving to Manchester, and fretting about son's highway flat tire (coupled with a dead cell phone so I couldn't reach him, though he did manage a distress signal to AAA).  I was (and am) still exhausted from ten+ hours of parent conferences that took place over four straight evenings and afternoons.  I was (and am) fuming still about that fact that the university where I am getting my second Master's degree seems to have no options in my major next semester, leaving me at a dead standstill with two manuscripts partially-finished.  

I can be pissed about weather, recent headline news, and even sports scores, but I cannot be pissed about the upcoming holidays.  After all, the tree is up and has lights.  That's more than half the battle right there.