Tuesday, November 6, 2012


My colleague texts me.  A cell phone that was stolen from her desk several years ago (by one of our cherubs) has been found by a teenager, a student at a local Vo-Tech school, and it mysteriously turned up in his home … alive.  The phone is still charged and still working and still has all of the original contact info in it, which is how this kid found its rightful owner. 

It is a haunted phone.  It has returned from the dead to stalk my co-worker.

I research all kinds of Dead Man Walking names, real Helter Skelter type things.  Then I figure we'd better name this haunted phone Casper.  Casper the Friendly Phone.  Let's be safe not sorry. 

It's too bad I have to run and vote Tuesday.  I mean, it's not too bad I'm voting; it's too bad I can't hang out after work because she is going to meet the teen who found her phone.  I am really curious to hear the story behind its discovery, and I would like to piece together the trail of its journey.

I would truly enjoying scrolling through the contacts and pictures to see where the damn thing has been.  I mean, where the holy thing has been.  Damnit!  I mean, lordy, lordy, lordy.  Within reason, anyway.  I don't need to see any pictures that might gouge out my eyeballs.  I do have some parameters and common sense (and yet I suspect a cell phone is possessed by evil … go figure).

My young colleague texts me from her new phone, and we attempt to fit the chunks of information together ala Sherlock Holmes and Watson, or maybe we're Scooby-Doo and Shaggy.  Unfortunately we'll never be Daphne, neither one of us, no matter how many Halloween supplies are leftover from last week (which is fine with us).  Regardless, this is a mystery amongst mysteries, and it's all growing curiouser and curiouser.

As much as my own curiosity about Casper the Friendly Phone is piqued, I will have to answer another call, equally perplexing - the call of political duty.  I'll go vote, though the polls show all the races to be neck in neck, so I'm not sure how any of them stands a ghost of a chance of clear cut victory.  Which means we'll be haunted by a different calling, one that smells of scandal, reeks of infighting, stinks of name-slamming, and screams of ballot-stuffing. 

Talk about Helter Skelter.  Lordy, lordy, lordy.