Tuesday, September 18, 2012


On this day in history, a very historic historical event made historic history.  This historical, history-changing event:

1990 - A 500 lb 6' Hershey Kiss is displayed at 1 Times Square, NYC

This is important to chocoholics everywhere.  This is like the Holy Grail of chocolate.  Forget Lindor or Godiva or any of the specialty brands and types, a 500-pound Kiss is akin to winning the lottery, becoming royalty, or even winning Let's Make a Deal.

Please, in honor of this momentous anniversary, a moment of silence, to be disturbed only by the sweet ripping sound of thin foil being torn carefully away from the precious thin-tin-foil-covered pyramid of cocoa.  

Now, with the songs of angels and the flying by of unicorned pegasuses (pegasi), I give you the 500-pound confection of pure happiness to we addicts and pure evil to blood-sugar regulators everywhere.