Thursday, September 20, 2012

#@%& *!%

Let's be serious here.  Is there anyone at all who knows me who has yet to be informed that I swear like a drunken sailor on a five-day bender?

No, truly, I want to know.  I need to know.

You see, my writing class shared drafts via email, and we all made comments about each other's work at this afternoon's class.  During the workshop, I discovered that some people think I am highly offensive.

 No fucking shit, Sherlock.  Where the hell have you been hiding all these years? Have you had your goddamned easily-offended little head up your goddamned easily-offended big ass? 

One woman/student was floored and I suspect mightily offended by my use of the words asshole and fuck.  I want to clarify that I did not use the two words together, so if you think maybe the woman is homophobic, you may well be correct but it won't have anything to do with my story.  Fuck preceded asshole by at least two paragraphs.  They weren't fraternizing; they were working a story.  My story. 

Folks, if two (or more) little swears are going to ruin your life, or worse, upset your delicate sensibilities, you might want to take some meds, or worse, you might want to go read something less offensive like maybe the Christian Science Monitor.  These are my stories, this is my fucking blog, and no asshole is going to shit on my goddamned fucking parade.