Sunday, October 10, 2021


 What the serious hell is going on with the retail industry? 

I have been trying to peruse cars, perhaps to even buy one, and there is very close to zero inventory. Did corporations stop manufacturing them?  ALL of them?! 

What the serious hell.

My computer hard drive crashed. It's okay. The damn computer is a dozen years old, so it's not like it was unexpected. It has been running slowly for three years, so I'd say I won on that deal. I go to Best Buy today to look for maybe an expensive laptop plus a decent Chromebook for travel and school work. (I am not putting my work stuff on any new computer  -- lesson learned.) There were zero employees around to help. Oh, there were plenty of them "working," but not a one knew how to "help." 

What the serious hell.

So, I whipped out my phone, chatted with other irate customers in the computer section, and managed to figure out what I will be getting as replacements: an all-in-one desk top to replace the current all-in-one that I have, and an even cheaper Chromebook than the one I had been willing to drop change on when I walked into the store.

I go grocery shopping. There is one aisle open. ONE. Not an express aisle; a regular aisle. There are two employees standing around "guarding" the self-check-out. Okay, I guess I am going to the self-check-out registers.

What the serious hell.

It's the same everywhere I go. Wal-Mart. Home Depot. Do it myself or go without. I can tell you exactly what is going to happen when I have to continue to do this all myself -- I am going to start giving myself the employee discount. One over the scanner, two in the bag. I wouldn't have to answer to anybody because they're all too casual and unconcerned to catch me, anyway.

Seriously. What the serious hell is going on? Laziest bunch of fuckers running retail right now. If I cannot walk into the store and buy what I want and have customer service when I want it (and this is NOT a "Karen" rant because I just turned around and silently and calmly left Best Buy after forty-five minutes), why on Earth would I consider shopping there ever again?

Guess what? I wouldn't. I won't. That is the LAST time I will set foot in Best Buy. EVER.

People who claim they "want to work" -- You had better consider a warehouse job. Ain't nobody gonna be patronizing your lazy ass much longer. Those apartment developers must be licking their chops right about now watching all of the retail businesses and malls getting ready to go residential.

Oh, it's coming, all right, and when it does, I'll be the only one NOT saying, "What the serious hell."