Sunday, October 24, 2021


 This year's autumn colors are brought to you by It's a Bust Decorating Company.

July was so dang rainy that most of us up here in New England expected a much more vibrant batch of colors. The North Country did all right, as far as colors go. But, down here in the middle bend? 

Meh. That's all. Just . . . meh.

Our weather has been temperate, to say the least. All this week it was like summer all over again. The trees don't know what the heck to do anymore. A few of them started budding. The plants on my porch started flowering. 

Meanwhile, there may be one or two colorful trees among robust green ones, or there are trees that try to change color but just go right to the "Hey, I'm dead already" stage. As much as the deciduous trees are hanging on to their green leaves, many of the evergreens are losing their boughs as if they, too, are supposed to be deciduous. 

Oh, sure, here and there I might see a patch of colorful trees among the greenish ones, but, for the most part, any trees that had started to change have pretty much done it and dropped their leaves. The rest? That icky shade between army green and stomach bile.

Autumn has been a bust around here. It's too warm and it's too green. 

Now watch; just because I complained, winter is going to be fifty degrees below zero, howling winds, and ice storms to knock out the power all the time. 

In the meantime, send some color our way, some color other than baby-pooh green. Come on, autumn. You only have one shot at this. Make it count.