Sunday, October 17, 2021


 My gawd, FedEx. How can you even stay in business?

I have been waiting days for a package. DAYS. My computer died over a week ago (a well-deserved and well-earned death, I might add), so I ordered a Chromebook to get me through the dark days until I decide on a new desk top. Yeah, after my Ouija laptop at work, I'm not getting into any laptops here at the house.

I kept coming home to notes from FedEx to sign and they would leave my Chromebook outside at my apartment complex. That would be a big fat NO. Why can't you just deliver it to the secure package room, like normal delivery people? I am not home between 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. on weekdays! I am at WORK. Had I known what I was in for, I would've gotten the damn thing delivered to work.

I start fighting with the company that sent it. They respond, "You agreed to sign for it, and NO, we will NOT allow you to pick it up AT FedEx! We will deliver it on the next business day." This means MONDAY. I have now been waiting three days to connect with their hired truck service. 

Well, fuck you and the horse you probably ate for lunch.

I contact the computer company again and say, as nicely as I can, "This is bullshit piss-poor customer service, so I expect a full refund when it gets returned . . . plus shipping and tax."  

Their response? "Fine!  Just FINE."

Well, it's Saturday. A beautiful Saturday. I could be out with my family, or kayaking, or shopping, or anything but staying home. No, I decide to get up early, get dressed, and pray for the FedEx truck.

Prayers answered. Shortly after 9:00 a.m. I receive a phone call. FedEx. They'll be here in twenty minutes. Will I be home?

Damn straight I will. I go outside and sit and wait for the truck for almost a half hour. I flag the truck down before it can get away. No effing way am I letting this truck or my package out of my sight.

Finally. FINALLY I am back online other than my phone and my tablet. Oh, sure, the Chromebook is small, but at least now I can access my Chrome files. I can write my Blog. I can get to my docs and sheets and photos and all of the stuff I have been unable to access for nine days.

But seriously, FedEx. Signed deliveries ONLY in the mornings? Weekdays? I guess forewarned is forearmed. I won't be making that mistake again. I live where there is a locked package room and an Amazon Hub. I guess buying directly from the company and giving them my business isn't an option anymore. Now I get why Amazon is doing such an incredible business. 

Hey, FedEx -- maybe you should hook up with Amazon so you can maybe access their hubs? Just a thought as I type here on my overdue Chromebook, the one I refused to let get away.