Saturday, January 7, 2017


Random questions from another blog ... with my equally random answers:

1.) If you could truly sell your soul to the devil, what would you sell it for? = HOMEMADE FUDGE

2.) If you were really a robot, would you want to know? = ONLY WHEN MY BATTERIES WEAR OUT

3.) If you were the opposite sex for a month, how would you spend it? = PEEING.  PEEING HERE.  PEEING THERE.  PEEING EVERYWHERE. WHAT A RELIEF NOT HAVING TO SIT DOWN TO PEE.

4.) What historic figure would make the worst ghost to be haunted by? = EDGAR ALLEN POE -- I'D BE SHITTING MY PANTS EVERY NIGHT AT THOSE BEDTIME STORIES.

5.) If you could ask your future self from the year 2050 one question, what would it be? = WHERE DID I PUT MY EXTRA ADULT DIAPERS?

6.) Who would win a fight between MacGyver and Chuck Norris? = SERIOUSLY? I MEAN, SERIOUSLY?!  CHUCK NORRIS WINS. CHUCK NORRIS ALWAYS WINS.