Sunday, October 7, 2018


Recently I bought a cheap fall vine decoration for a reunion.  I could've bought a nicer $17 one for about half that price on sale, but instead I buy the $3+ one for even cheaper (with a coupon).  The decoration will probably end up in the trash anyway, right?

For some reason I bring it home.  I don't need a plastic fall vine with fake leaves on it, but I take it anyway, stash it in with my stuff, and haul it all to my car.  The following morning I leave the vine curled up on the table.  Over the next few days it moves around from place to place, still all trundled up like a piece of forgotten rope (but with fake leaves).

Fast forward a few days.  I decide that maybe I'll take the fall vine to school.  Surely there is something that I can do with it.  I'm madly running around on Friday morning, but I take time to grab the fake fall vine.

Only problem is ... I can't find it.

I search every room in the house except my son's bedroom and the basement, two places I am quite certain would not hold the fake fall vine.  If I don't leave soon, I'll make myself late for my usual work arrival time, which is early, but I'm obsessive over my parking space and having a few minutes of downtime before my hectic days begin.

Once more I run around the house, muttering to myself things like, "Where the hell would I put a damn leaf decoration?" and "Why can't I remember shit anymore?"  Just when I am convinced that I've finally lost my mind, I glance ahead of me and focus on the back door.

Hanging on the inside of the back door is a fall wreath.  It is covered with fall leaves and fake berries and ribbon and ... wait a second.  Why does my wreath suddenly look so lush and new and --

Oh, that's right! I wrapped the autumn leaf vine around the autumn wreath to make it look better!

I carefully unstring the fake leaves from the wreath, making sure that I don't pull off anything extra and ruin the wreath itself.  When I get to school, I set up my homework board with the leaf vine hanging around it.  I stick a couple of foam pumpkins in for extra effect.

When the students arrive for homeroom, they instantly notice and  compliment my seasonal decor.  "I really like the leaves!" they exclaim. "Where did you find that?"

Find that?!  Oh, kids, you have NO IDEA.