Wednesday, November 23, 2016


As soon as the word spreads online, I rush to the window to look outside.  This is how I discover that the patio's back light fixture is out, but this is a secondary fact.  I move to another window for confirmation.

Yes.  It is snowing.  Not much, but still.

The first sign of True Winter brings out the rabid snow people here in the Northeast, especially since we're out of the range of the season's true first strike.  Yes, it has snowed in earnest in the western part of the state and north of us in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

It's obvious that this snow isn't going to stick, at least not for long.  Eventually I venture into the spitting flakes to change the patio light, and I am no worse for the encounter.  I won't really declare it First Snow, though.  That happens when the huge flakes fall, the fat and puffy flakes that mean they are going to stay around for a little while.

I know: Be careful what I wish for, right?  I only used my snowshoes three times last winter.  I think I have some luck to spare.