Saturday, November 19, 2016


This is why I dislike politics.

A fashion designer refuses to make clothes for the new First Lady and every liberal on the planet is praising her conviction to her "morals."

An ultra-conservative bakery refuses to make a cake for a gay wedding due to the owners' conviction to their "morals," and they are vilified in the press and sued (probably out of business).

I'm not a liberal.  I'm not a conservative.  I'm not a Democrat.  I'm not a Republican.

Most importantly, I'm not a hypocrite. 

It is hypocritical to demand (legally or otherwise) that the entire world believes what you do, behaves like you do, lives like you do, eats like you do, watches what you do, reads what you do, speaks like you do...  That doesn't make you intolerant of bigots.  That MAKES you the bigot.

Does it matter if one side is right and one side is wrong?  Nope.  Know why?  Because they're BOTH WRONG,and if you're on either side, then you might be wrong, too.

What matters is that people are practicing sanctioned bigotry while hiding behind the facade of being tolerant of others when they are, in fact, being completely intolerant of anyone who doesn't think the same way.

However, when you work with the public and you sell a service, guess what!  You no longer have the supreme authority to pick and choose your clientele if your aim is to work with the general public.

Do you have a right to control your own opinion?  Absolutely.  Do you have a right to control mine?  Nope.

This, in a nutshell is why I hate politics: I don't give a flying fignut what you think, but once you start infringing on everyone else's personal thoughts, you are no longer an advocate; you're simply a fucking asshole.