Tuesday, November 22, 2016


My daughter comes over to do laundry, and I am showing off the newly pulled apart basement.  I am proud of myself, smug even, because I have managed to clean out the trash and recycling, at least to the best of my ability. 

The joke is on me, though.

While pointing out all of the progress I have made, I spy two more boxes that could have been broken down and dragged out to the trash.  Honestly, though, after hauling out two overflowing recycle bins, two old metal shoe racks, a double bed frame, and thirteen bags of trash, I am not up to wrestling with more.  The cardboard recycling I have for this week is already spilling into the street.

Anyway, progress is being made.  I don't get back to the basement project right away -- Thanksgiving is coming and lists have to be made, shopping has to be done.  My only hope is that when I come home from work tomorrow, all of the recycling and trash will be long gone. 

THAT would be real progress.