Monday, August 15, 2016


I am madly packing for my trip to Montreal.  I'm almost done when my daughter needs a ride to Urgent Care for an injured right foot.  That, in and of itself, is a story of its own, but I have to admit, her foot may have saved my vacation.

You see, I am planning on bringing a cross-body black pocketbook.  I even pack all kind of black clothing so that everything coordinates, which makes packing really easy.  I use this pocketbook daily, so I grab it as my daughter and I rush out the door.  As I walk across the driveway to the car, the strap on the pocketbook snaps.  It completely comes apart and the bag of treasures (like gum and tissues and eye shadow) flies to the ground and tumbles about four feet away.

Had my daughter not had her semi-emergency (which turned out to be strained ligaments), I would be exiting the house in the morning and suffering a fashion disaster, leaving me without a pocketbook for Montreal. 

Karma?  Possibly, but my daughter is suffering more than I am because I have a second cross-body black pocketbook. Of course, she has a second foot, too, so I guess we're even in the end.