Thursday, April 28, 2016


Oh, my poor old computer.  The poor baby, all covered with dust and waiting to die. 

A few months ago, the Internet finally stopped working on it, and it had no memory left.  I realized that I needed more than CD's and DVD's to store all the stuff on there, so I finally went out and bought mega-thumb drives.

Then, I promptly ignored the whole thing.  Until this evening.

Once I cleared out all the giant dust tumbleweeds, I finally started breathing life back into the computer.  I took years and years and years of sports pictures and videos off the thing and transferred them all onto the thumb drive, a process that has taken (and still will take) hours of my time tonight.  I almost forgot to transfer the videos, too.  Good gravy, there are lacrosse videos on there from when my youngest was in eighth grade, which was ... nine years ago ... ???? 

Oh.  My.  God.  I am so ashamed of myself.  Poor, poor, poor dusty old computer.  No wonder it has to be resuscitated. 

It no longer connects to the Internet, so I delete everything pertaining to security and Google, and Firefox and anything else.  I am hopeful that I can renegotiate its compatibility with the printer, especially since I bought ink for it a while back.  If I can turn this ancient computer into a glorified word processor, I will be extremely happy ... especially since I just killed another computer recently. 

Okay, okay, so I'm no good with electronics.

Wait, though.  I recently got myself a new phone that, for some strange reason, will not download pictures or group texts or those weird sticker-thingees until they've all circled Neptune three times.  I finally did some detective work, discovered several possible solutions, and actually outsmarted the android phone.  A couple of times at work, I have even been able to solve technical issues with computers for me and for my teammates.

Well, I'll let you know if my technical luck has run out in about ... 46 minutes and 11 seconds ... when my download of all the videos, pictures, and documents will be done.  I have since regained a shitload of GB on my hard drive, and I haven't even begun with the stored music yet.

Wish me luck.  After all, I do have to get some sleep sometime.  I have to go to work tomorrow, so these files had better finish transferring in time for me to catch a few hours of shut-eye.  Until then, though, I will play Tech-Doc to my poor, dusty old ignored dinosaur of a computer partially because I'm truly fond of it, and partially because I already have four or five other computers in my basement just waiting to be recycled.  If I add one more, there may be a rising of the machines against me.