Saturday, April 16, 2016


It's the most wonderful time of the year! It's post-Easter, and you know what that means?

I know what it used to mean.  It used to mean that Easter candy was on sale, usually 50% off.  It used to mean stockpiling Cadbury Cream Eggs and grabbing myself a solid white chocolate bunny.

Now, though, it means pea soup.  Yes, pea soup!

One of my teammates makes pea soup every time she gets a ham bone from dinner.   Easter, the ultimate ham dinner day, has just passed, and I am hopeful there will be pea soup in my future. It's not the Most Important Chatter of the day, but I'd be lying if I said, "Oh, it's not on my mind even a smidgen."

Just when I'd forgotten about the ham bone, like the sun coming out after days of rain, without pomp, my teammate hands me a brown paper lunch bag.  She smiles a giant grin, a grin bigger than Easter,

"We had ham," she says to me, and I know.