Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I have been moving furniture all over my house.  I am a reasonably strong person, and have no problem moving most of the stuff myself.  Oh, sure, sometimes I have to use my butt and feet to scoot furniture along the rugs, but I don't care.  I'm getting it done.

It has been a long time since I rearranged furniture.  The rooms in my 150+-year-old townhouse are tiny, and the heat comes out of grates on the floor, both factors that limit my creativity.  When I was a kid, I rearranged my room all the time, so I mastered the fine art of disassembling things or removing drawers to make it possible to wake up to a new room.  Ironically, I still have my childhood furniture.  The damn stuff is solid as rocks, so I've never been able to part with it.  Why should I?  It's perfectly sturdy.

So, if I am strong enough to move large pieces of furniture by myself (including a heavy-ass wooden bed frame), why the hell can I not open a damn beer?  Seriously, these are twist-off caps.  Children can open these bottles -- not that they should, but they are absolutely capable of unscrewing bottle caps. 

I could claim that I am tired from all the heavy lifting and dragging and pushing and rearranging.  That would be a lie.  For some reason that I cannot explain, I am too wimpy to twist off the cap.  It digs into my palm and scrapes skin from the base of my thumb, but it simply will not budge.

Yes, I admit it: I resort to using a bottle opener to release a screw-on bottle cap.  I want that beer; I need that beer; I earned that beer.  With a flick of my wrist and the aid of a carefully crafted piece of metal, the beer bubbles are free and I am a happy lady.

If I can just figure out how to open the small bottles of tonic water without having to saw the plastic cap off with a steak knife, then I might be onto something.