Friday, March 18, 2016


My students have come up with a new Olympic sport.  It's called Synchronized Screaming.

They developed the idea from playing online games.  Sometimes when they are wearing their headsets and are all playing via their respective home television sets, someone starts screaming into the microphone.  Once this starts, someone else joins in. 

Pretty soon, they have the equivalent to a pack of prepubescent dogs baying at each other in semi-tenor, some alto, and mostly soprano voices.  All at once.  All at the same time.  All in unison.  All via cyberspace.

Synchronized Screaming.

According to them, they're really, really good at this.  I think maybe our school should sponsor their team.  First of all, we'll get our school name and logo on their jerseys.  More importantly, the Scream Team would need time off for training and competition, meaning we teachers get a break from their noise.

Yup, Synchronized Screaming.  I'm all for it ... as long as it doesn't happen in my classroom, I support it 100%.