Thursday, March 3, 2016


It is my kid's first time to vote -
I hope to teach him well
But all the choices suck out loud.
Country's going to hell.

Our choices for the Democrats:
A socialist hippy goat
Or a lying murderess,
Who should be in a moat.

As if the GOP is grand:
Some stooges and a Trump,
There's also a Canadian
We really ought to dump.

It's almost an embarrassment
To teach my kid the ropes
When all the choices leave no choice
But to dash our dreams and hopes.

The lines are short, such a relief,
No way they're worth our time.
But still he votes and then he sends
His ballot after mine.

Such a shame the choices suck --
My guidance misses its mark
Except avoiding traffic:
I teach him where to park.