Sunday, January 25, 2015


I’ve tried to keep my mouth shut, but as anyone who knows me also knows -- this is an exercise in futility.

I understand the haters.  No, really, I do.  I hated the Dallas Cowboys the minute they became “America’s Team.”  Don’t tell me who or what represents America!  I don’t like the Cowboys to this day because of it.  Haters gonna hate.

Now, though – Now you’ve gone too far, media. 

Not only have you managed to piss off Drew Bledsoe, you’ve forced Bill Belichick to string together more words in one press conference than he has in total in every season he has coached the New England Patriots.

You can kick us when we’re up.  We can take it.  Remember us?  We used to be the Boston Patriots.  We used to fight with the Baltimore Colts (before they moved to Indy) as the worst fucking team in the NFL … year after year after year after year.  People kicked us when we were down, too. 

We are used to failure; we just don’t like it anymore.

That is why we are good. 

It’s not because we cheat (we don’t) or bend the rules (we don’t) or beat up our spouses in elevators (we don’t).  We don’t make dogs fight, we don’t put bounties on the heads of other players, and we don’t beat our children.  I suppose that’s what America wants, though.  Stories like that sell.

Okay, maybe one of our former players is a murderer.  But we fired his ass as soon as we figured it out.

Look, hate us all you want, but this whole situation about the fucking footballs and the deflation of footballs and the PSI and the weather and the laces and the skin and the color of the ball and the height of the sky above the open-air stadium and God and stars and aliens – Kids, it has to stop. 

You’re just making yourselves look retarded, media.  Re-tar-ded.

Will we win the Superbowl?  Hell, I don’t know.  I hope so.  I like Seattle.  But what you want to do by riling up the Patriots before a game like that?  Really, media – Do you want us to take it out on the field?  That’s not right.  What kind of bloodlust do you people have?

I’ll tell you what, media.  How about you attack politicians and presidents and terrorists and radical religious fanatics and the usurping of American values  – how about you attack these things with the same fervor and baseless accusations as you do a professional football team?  If only you would have some integrity and some (inflated) balls, this world might be a better place.

But, no matter.  Haters gonna hate.  Keep publishing and spreading your ridiculous accusations.  Keep making yourselves look like brainless sheep.  I am now officially embarrassed to have ever been involved with journalism in any way, shape, or form, and I thank the day I encountered a journalism professor/program advisor so incredibly stupid that I changed out of the program lest I become exactly what you all are:  Lemmings of the lowest common denominator.

There.  I’m done.  Unlike the reporters who lie, unlike the spineless liars at Sports Illustrated and the banshees at ESPN and countless other idiots (including many of our own local sports people), I refuse to buy into this bullshit.

Accusing a team of this caliber with absolutely zero evidence?  That, my retarded journalistic lemming friends, is the true exercise in futility.