Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I’m dreaming of summer.

I’m really hoping that the coastal whacking that the Blizzard of 2015 gave the coast hasn’t altered my favorite beach too terribly.  A couple of years ago, a series of unusual winter storms brought more rocks to the beach and made it a crappy year for swimming there.  The following year, a series of harsh storms took the rocks away again, and my favorite beach was right back to its beautiful, sandy old self.

I could go to the beach during the winter.  My friend and I have done this, watched the brave but insane souls surfing in the icy north Atlantic.  Sure, wet suits are helpful except when their feet and hands get wet or they go face-down into the frigid water; it’s still damn cold.  Ask the Titanic victims who ended up in that ice-laden water … oh, wait…

So today, after two days of snow and hours of clean up, I am dreaming of the beach.  I am dreaming of summer, my toes in the sand, the two-plus mile walk down the beach and back at low tide; sitting amongst the protection of the break-wall rocks when it’s high tide. 

Summer – you cannot arrive soon enough for me.  My cracked and dry winter skin misses you; my stone-cold bones miss you; my sun-deprived brain misses you.  I miss the smell of the salty air and the sound of the constant surf. 

Summer, you may still be months away, but I am and forever dreaming of you.