Monday, March 24, 2014


Damn weekends.  They go by so damn fast. 

I was supposed to drive to Sleepy Hollow, NY this weekend for a lacrosse game, which turned into such a close game that I almost popped a cranial artery while watching it online (son's team won by a goal).  I had plans to go early and take pictures at the cemetery and church yard used in the Washington Irving story.  I had plans to spend the day with my eldest as we drove out there and back, round trip, in one day. 

In the end, my jaw won out.  I am still in recovery mode from oral surgery.  It still bloody-well hurts, I can assure you.  Saturday, after missing the big road trip, I took a mini-road trip with friends and went out for steak.  I couldn't stand it any longer, this eating of soft foods crap.  I have been eating cottage cheese, apple sauce, yogurt, pudding, and soup until I wanted to cry.  I also had a drink Saturday night.  That's right - I have been sipping water and milk and tea for eight days now, mostly waiting until the antibiotic finished.  No point in giving myself stomach issues on top of everything else.

Sunday my youngest had to come home from college and get his car for a couple of internship opportunities and interviews he has lined up.  I ran up to his college in New Hampshire and got him, did some laundry for him, had some lunch.  He brought his girlfriend along, thankfully, because #1 she's a great girl, and #2 she could keep him entertained so I could work on homework.  I had eleven profile papers to do track changes for and email them out to my grad school classmates.  Then I had to send my weekly paper to the professor.

Meanwhile I have been madly putting papers together trying to bring some kind of cohesion to my thesis, only I discovered that the cloud I chose to save my files reformatted them, and to turn them back into PDF files, it will cost money.  I spent most of this weekend reformatting each line by hand.  Waste of my precious time.

And now the weekend is over.  Damnitall.  Did I have a great weekend?  YES.  Would I do it all the same if I had a second chance?  SURE.  But am I still going to bitch and moan because I want even more time? 

REALLY … do you people not know me by now?  Of course I'm going to bitch about the weekend being too short!  I'm still suffering for that hour I got ripped off when the clocks sprang ahead.  I won't see that sucker again until the fall, but I could use it right now!\

Damn weekends.  They should be four days long.  Don't you agree?