Saturday, January 18, 2014


So, I'm like, "Hey, it's 10:30 at night and no one commented on the blog today.  It was pretty good, and I even quoted Hemingway.  Damn.  Blog must've sucked wind today."

Then I realized that I never posted the link to Facebook.

DOH.  Insert forehead slap here. 

After 513 posts (514 including this one) and 22,947 views (thanks, folks), I cannot believe that I forgot to link Facebook to the blog. 

What a dipshit.

I blame this lousy cold I have.  Lousy lousy lousy cold.  It started in my throat last Friday and migrated to my chest.  I even took an hour-long "nap" after work.  Okay, it was more like a temporary coma, but still.

In the scheme of colds, it hasn't been horrible.  But I can't decide of I am on the mend or if the dang thing is settling in my lungs like the plague.  Now I know the germs are eating at my brain cells.  How else can I explain forgetting something I've done , or at least had done, 512 times before?  512 days ... in a row ... without fail. 

Until Friday.  Epic fail.

My recommendation is that you read today's entry, feel momentarily sorry for me, maybe even feel a twinge of disgust at my inability to maintain my own damn blog properly, then read yesterday's blog as well.

Meanwhile, I will be hacking away at clearing my lungs of fluid and hacking away at some more thesis chapters to send to my advisor.  Either way, hacking is today's multi-purpose activity. 

And look, I'd appreciate it greatly if you didn't tell anyone what a slacker I am for forgetting to link my own blog to the Facebook page.  If it's any consolation, I have tattooed a giant "L" for "Loser" onto my forehead.  I hope you don't feel badly of me; Lord knows I feel badly enough on my own.

Thanks.  I'll be back tomorrow.  Promise.  I'll try not to forget.

Maybe it's Alzheimer's.  Perhaps it's dementia.  Maybe it is the cold