Sunday, June 2, 2024


It has been a very long week.

First, the steering in my car let go. I had an inkling that something was slightly amiss, but it went full-on crap-to-the-max over the long weekend. That meant that I had to still get to work on Tuesday or be docked pay, wait at least a week for an appointment, and rent a subcompact car that turned into a giant, hearse-like SUV.

I ended the work week with a meeting so blatantly strange that I verbally questioned my own sanity in front of my coworkers and administrators. Afterward, two other people in the meeting immediately told me that they agreed with me, then two more came to me with the same concerns that I raised. Apparently, we all questioned our sanity at that point, I was simply the first to admit that my brain wasn't following the so-called logic.

All that coupled with the school book fair . . . Yes, so very many things went horribly wrong. 

However, The car rental place was a three-hundred-yard walk to the repair shop. Score! I left my car six days early since I couldn't drive it anyway and needed a loaner. My car was not only checked out but completely repaired two days later. I saved five days on the rental, and the service was nearly 30% cheaper than the quote. Score! I didn't even have to put gas in the rental. Score! I had my car back in time to visit my friend's new grandbaby. Score!

It's the weekend and, unlike last year when it rained for eighteen straight weekends (no lie), it's actually beautiful weather. Score more! I even had a chance to read a book this weekend. Score to the max!

Of course, I still have papers and slideshows to grade, so there is that. Plus, I was cleaning out my old car today, getting it ready for kayaking season, so I missed the wine tasting. But, I did spend some time sipping way too much Pecorino wine, eating way too much food (the salad is deceiving - makes it look like I was being healthy), and spending way too much time on Kindle and Nook with my tablet.

Eleven and a half more days and four more meetings. That's all I have to do to get to summer. It may have been a long week, but I can taste that summer sun in the Pecorino. Score - and then some.