Sunday, May 26, 2024


I grew up in with music.
Not just store-bought nor stereo,
But immersed in the world of
Classical choral training.
I used to be able to pick
Middle C
Out of thin air.
(I might still be close.)
Though exhausted 
After another endless day of school, 
A coworker and I
Attend a concert.
The venue - 
Wood, glass, and stone -
Engages the senses of 
Touch, sight, and sound.
The performer -
Ridiculously talented,
Energizing and mesmerizing -
Earns two robust 
Exiting the building, the
Audience remains electrified.
People who don't know people
Connect and speak like
Neurons sparking new paths.
Even the barely lit parking lot
Seems aglow with creative current.
Perhaps, though, 
It is the Flower Moon of May -
Full and luminescent -
Spotlight from the Sky -
Shining its approval on an
Evening worth attending -
A reminder that, 
Despite the urge to curl up and hide,
The world still exists beyond the job.