Sunday, June 16, 2024


I'm never going to be vegan nor vegetarian.

To pervert the Most Interesting Man's words: "I don't eat steak all of the time, but, when I do, I like it to 'mooooo' back at me when I stick a fork into it."

 The store doesn't carry the steak marinade I have used for decades. Either the company went out of business, or it has been rebranded. After trying other marinades and trying to create my own versions, I finally give up. There's simply no point in eating steak without a decent marinade.

I'm in the grocery store the other day when I spot a display of packaged marinade mixes along the meat counter. "Whatever," I think to myself. "They don't carry what I want, anyway." 

For some reason, though, the rack of colorful little envelopes calls to me, and, much to my delight, I spot an almost identical cousin to the steak marinade I've been missing. I pick up a packet, throw it in my carriage, and head off toward the produce section. I mean, who doesn't love a good salad all smothered in feta cheese and croutons?

As I roll my cart away, I glance into the meat display. Oh, look! There's a sale on London Broil steak! I study all the packages, moving them around carefully. I don't need a huge steak, but I can certainly cut one in half and freeze it for next time, right?

That's when I see it.

Hiding under the bigger steaks is a smaller cut, or so it appears. However, this slab of steak is fatter than the rest. This hunk of meat says "London Broil" but mimics a piece of filet mignon. Better yet, since it's just under a pound and on sale, I'm paying well under $5 for it.

I marinate the steak for an hour, then broil that sucker up in about twenty minutes. I cook it medium rare so the center isn't still chilling on the animal's hide, just in case. (Insert lip-smacking sounds here.) Man, oh, man, that steak is delicious. Fabulous. So darn tasty is that London Broil that I eat the whole entire steak, completely dismissing the intention to save some steak for my salad the following day. 

Yup, tomorrow I'll be vegan, when I have to eat the salad without any meat in it. I'm simply doing my part to support my fellow plant-eaters.