Sunday, December 24, 2023


 I am without internet.

 It has been a brutal battle between Verizon, who sold me a package that cannot be hooked up in my new apartment, and Xfinity, who wanted to charge me $100 just to drive into the parking lot.

The only one losing here is me.

I have my cell phone for connecting, and thanks for that. Both internet companies tried to get me to jump ship from my longtime phone service.

Hell to the NO. 

This little company got me through the Great Merrimack Valley Gas Disaster. If only they had residential internet service.

So far, Verizon is in the lead. But, the outcome depends on holes being drilled and wires being run. Friday. The appointment was made over a week ago. That's two weeks waiting for them to hook me up. So far, Verizon's customer sevice sucks. I really don't hold much hope.

The worst part is that I am missing all the Hallmark Christmas movies. Oh, well. There's always July.