Sunday, December 31, 2023


It has been a heck of a two-and-a-half weeks.

By now you all know that I had to execute a rapid evacuation from one apartment due to a flying squirrel invasion. I had a lovely but thankfully brief stay at a wonderful hotel, slept in a mostly-empty apartment on top of storage bins, and crippled my friends and family asking them to move a few pieces of heavy furniture since there quite literally was zero time to contact movers. I had to get out of there tout suite.

In the course of The Event, I waited two weeks for internet access, survived amid chaos, managed to pull off a flawless Christmas Eve gathering and meal, and enjoyed an amazing holiday experience with family and friends. I am still unpacking my life even as I pack up Christmas, earlier than I usually do but with necessity to gain organizational traction. I honestly did have a rough few days of absolute mental and physical exhaustion. 

Then, something happened. A co-worker who retired in June passed away on December 22nd.

For the love of all things sane, I encountered a flying squirrel and had to move. This makes great blog fodder, but it's hardly earth shattering. What is earth shattering is someone finally retiring from the grind that is our business (working in a municipality for the public), potentially facing the best years of his life, and then it's just . . . over.

So, as I look around the mayhem that currently is my life, and as I pack up what is usually the best time of the year for me, I am thankful that I am still here and healthy and able to share my tales of insanity.

Glad to see 2023 in the rearview mirror, but also looking forward to 2024. I hesitate to tempt fate and say it will be a better year, but I will poke the bear and say, "Please, if it could be rodent-free, I'd greatly appreciate it."

Happy New Year to all.