Sunday, December 27, 2020


Merry Christmas weekend to all.

Nothing personal, but I am relieved it’s over. 2020 has been a major clusterfuck since March, and I fully expected 2020 to ruin the holidays. I am thrilled to admit that, so far, anyway, Christmas 2020 has come off without a glitch. 

Apparently, I haven’t been paying attention. I am the Christmas ostrich with my head in the melting snow because I had zero idea that the new state restrictions of furthering our collective house arrest started Saturday, December 26th.

I’m healthy (for now), I have food in my house (for now), I went to the bank so I have ready cash available (for now), my car is still running (for now), and I have a job (for now).

On the flip side, I cannot visit my family in neighboring states. I cannot visit my family in North Carolina. I cannot run into the store for supplies without risking my life either by waiting in line in the freezing weather or by ignorant people who don’t know masks go over their snot-runny noses. I mean, at least if we’re going to play along, let’s do it with gusto.

Much as I enjoyed Christmas 2020, it looks like 2021 is gearing up to be instant replay. Hang on to your stocking caps, folks.