Monday, December 31, 2018

2323 to 2019

2323.  This is my magic number.

This post right here, right now, is blog post #2323 since I started writing this blog 2, 323 days (6 1/3 years) ago.  It has been wonderful up to this point because this is my daily writing journal, and readers get a chance to see inside my skull, deep into the shady recesses of my brain and twisted mind.

I never intended to write memoir -- it flung itself at me when my grad school mentor absconded to another part of the country, and I was left with one reliable thesis first reader and one irresponsible asshole of a second reader who kept me from walking at my own graduation (thankfully, an amazing second reader stepped forward at the last minute).  By the way, I still hate that motherfucker and hope his entire world collapses onto him someday, leaving him poetry-less and story-less and professor-less and sad and pitiful.  Yes, I am THAT petty.

I would like to take 2019 into another direction. 

My four or five unfinished fiction manuscripts have been sitting patiently, whispering to me every so often, begging the question: Why do I keep trying to piece together a memoir in which I've lost total interest?  My life really isn't that fascinating; it's mundane and typical. 

No one gives one crap about mundane and typical anymore, not even this gal.

I'm not one to make New Year's Resolutions, especially not public ones, so this will be a semi-resolution, more of an unbreakable promise to myself:

2019 will be the year of the novel.

I am going to cut back on blog-posting to probably once a week, and I will dedicate the one-to-three hours a day that I normally spend on the blog to working on the manuscripts I already have in progress. 

I sincerely hope you'll all stay with me for the ride.  Secretly, you're probably all pleased, anyway.  Oh, thank goodness, I don't have to pretend I read her blog every damn day.  I know, I know it's true because I feel the same way ... often.

So, here's to 2323 and to 2019.  Let's see in a year if I've been as true to myself as I've been to all of you.  Happy New Year -- see you in a week or so.