Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Since I am stuck inside on Sunday due to the incredible heat outside and the football games on television inside, I aim to be productive.  I start cleaning out my files. I decide to get rid of the files for my old cars (who cares if spark plugs were changed in a car I don't own anymore), taxes older than ten years, paperwork from old loans, and a whole bunch of medical receipts from ages ago.

I don't even get to my writing files, and I already have a pile of recyclable papers that is twelve inches thick. Today is a good day to run the shredder because no one else is home.  Sometimes when I turn the shredder on, it affects the cable reception and pixelates the television screens, so the only person being bothered by the shredder today is I.

I start running the machine, and eventually it stops working.  This is not the first shredder I've killed, so I know the drill.  First thing to check is the paper receptacle.  Yes, it's full; problem solved.  I continue shredding, emptying every so often as I go.

But, it doesn't take long for me to jam the gears for real.  I unplug the machine, grab the large tweezers, clear several shreds of paper, and then I am back in business.  This happens twice more before I finally unplug, check the gears, and find ...


There is no jam.  I play with the gears, anyway, because every time I plug it back in and turn it on, it just sits there with the light on but no action.  After about ten minutes of this, I declare the shredder DEAD, put the rest of the papers aside, and whistle taps.  The top of the shredder goes to the trash; the bottom will become another trash can somewhere around the house.

Oh, well.  Guess that means I can stop going through the files.  Recycling goes out Tuesday, and I doubt I'm going to run out and buy shredder #3 before then.  I'll have another two weeks before the recycling company picks up again.  I should be good to go within two weeks.. 

Until then, FOOTBALL!  Life is good, and the television picture isn't pixelating anymore.