Work, work, work. Today it's go-go-go all day, from the moment I get to work until I get out of a late meeting, making it a nine-and-a-half hour day. When I leave work, it's warm and sunny and gorgeous out.
I know exactly what today needs.
I head to the store, spontaneously shopping as I go: Bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, mozzarella, and some hamburg. I have hamburger buns and cheese at home already. I have not eaten anything for about six hours, and I am craving barbecued burgers and caprese salad with some fresh basil from my Frankenbasil plant.
Within an hour of entering the store to shop, I am home, and there is a juicy burger sitting in front of me on a plate garnished with the salad I've thrown together. Barbecues can go on all year (providing the snow doesn't bury the grill like it did a few years ago with 100+ inches of the white, frozen crap), but there's something about a spontaneous, post-work-day barbecue on a sunny, warm, fabulous late summer day that makes the burgers taste better than ever.
Work, work, work turns into eat, eat, eat, and I forget all about the work I brought home with me. It's all okay, though. Technically, it's still summer, and sometimes that's enough mindset to make everything better.