Tuesday, September 13, 2016


I have been trying to watch the moon these last few nights.  The moon is waxing Gibbous right now, about 78% illuminated, working toward Friday's full phase.

I realized a long time ago that I have the wrong shades for moon gazing.  When I lived in the apartment two houses over, my bedroom window was three stories above the street, and I could leave the blinds open and fall asleep by moonlight, especially every visible full moon.  Now that I live two houses over, I have shades instead of blinds upstairs, plus my bedroom window overlooks the neighbors' hall window.  If they choose to angle it just right and maybe stand on a step ladder, they can watch me sleep on a clear night.

I miss the monthly moonlight and the fabulous natural nightlight it provides.  When I take the recycling to the curb this evening, I notice the moon rising over the trees.  This month it's the Full Harvest Moon, officially happening at 3:05 p.m. Friday.  This full moon is also supposed to have a penumbral lunar eclipse, but not one visible to the naked eye.  The sun, moon, and Earth will align, and there will be a slight shadow cast upon the full moon.

How cool is this?

I try to get a picture of the moon after dropping the recycle bins at the street.  I've never been very good at taking night pictures, but I snap the waxing orb, just the same.  The moon is fascinating and wonderful and romantic and exotic and spooky.  I may just have to replace the room darkening shades I have now with a good, old-fashioned set of plastic blinds.  I miss the moonlight lulling me to sleep at night and waking me before dawn in the morning.

I have a couple of more days before the moon hits its fullest phase for the month.  If you cannot find me, there's a good possibility that I'm at Home Depot getting new blinds for upstairs.