Saturday, December 19, 2015


I'm not going to make it.  Nope.  No way.

 I'm not going to make it to the 2016 presidential election because I am already completely and totally disgusted and fed up with every single fucking idiot in the presidential arena, and that includes the moron in the White House.

I don't like politics.  I don't understand people who want to rule and boss around other people, tell them how to live and what to buy and what to do and where to get medical attention and when to drink and when to go to war.  Right now every single freaking jackass in the ring is acting like a spoiled ten year old who was once bullied on the playground and now wants to punish everyone with his/her "I'll show THEM" bullshit.

There's no way any of these vile leeches is remotely interested in the good of this country or of the people in it.  Don't even try to convince me otherwise because not only would it be futile, you would be dead wrong.  If any of the people in office or running for office gave one shit about you or about me, they'd find a way to compromise and communicate and let go the stranglehold they have on the American people. 

And, if you were truly honest with yourself, deeply and passionately honest, you'd agree.

The pensions, the corporate perks, the insurance, the paid-for offices, the government owned housing market, this regulation, that regulation.  I doubt this is what the founders (and the Constitution) had in mind.

But, what do I know about unearned pensions paid out for life?  What do I know about free healthcare for life?  What do I know about getting paid to show up to work on rare occasions and pretend to vote?

The more important question should be: What do YOU know, and why would you tolerate this?