Sunday, September 6, 2015


I'm still in purging mode.

 Last week, the old VHS tapes went, taking everything from Don Cherry's Hockey Fights to March of the Toy Soldiers (a movie that has always creeped me out).  Today I tear apart my full-size bed frame and, instead of hoarding it away in the basement, I put it on the curb with instructions and all of the hardware, including a free Allen wrench (hex key).

Honestly, I have been sleeping in that bed for decades, and the box spring is leftover from when the kids were young and busted it jumping on it like a trampoline.  The top mattress, though still in decent shape, will accompany its mate in the trash on Tuesday evening.  But, the frame -- it's a nice metal frame with a header and a footer -- is up for grabs, and I honestly hope someone gives it a new home.  It's still in excellent shape.  Dusty, but sturdy.

While mayhem remains between my room and the connecting den, which used to be my room, there is still much chaos, but the progress cannot be denied.  Well, except for the shoes.  Since having my foot repaired, I've become a bit of a shoe nut.  If you saw my shoes and how infrequently some are worn, you'd be rightfully just in labeling me a hoarder.

I haven't had a chance to go through all of my clothes yet, but two bags (one of shoes, one of clothing) are ready to be donated.  I still need a shower, but the good news is that I have a new set-up in my room, complete with a thick foam topper and clean sheets.  I'm looking forward to it so I can get up tomorrow and do much of the same.

I'll find time to sit in the sun, too, but really -- I'm in purging mode, and that's a wave worth riding.