Friday, August 21, 2015


My pal needs to be fingerprinted.

No, she didn't get arrested.  She's a teacher, and, like me and all the rest of us across the state, she has to have her prints formally taken and filed with the state's database.

Lest anyone thinks this database is really helpful and/or protects children, you'd be dead wrong.  This is a money-making scheme set into motion by our lawmakers.  The fingerprinting consortium makes $$$$ off teachers.  The state never really does anything that's in the best interest of the students, at least not unless it makes them money up the whazoo.

Anyway, when the state fingerprinted me, the company came to my place of employment.  My friend has to go to one of the satellite places, and this is how we end up in the middle of the city.  I used to live near here, so I'm familiar with the roads, but I still street-view the area before we drive there.  Damn good thing I do, too, because the place is a hole.  And it's in a wall.  It is truly a literal hole in a wall. 

We open the front door, and I am immediately berated to move my car.  What did I mean parking it out front in the area along the street that has the wide, white line along its edge?!  Parking where there appears to be parking must make me a moron.  I move the car to a side street under the shade of a big tree, then I come back in and start looking around.

This place has some grubby chairs, some filthy throw cushions, a filthy floor, unfinished walls, dust and dirt everywhere, and a mutt.  It's a good thing I'm pushing super-med antibiotics because I suspect this place is smeared with MRSA.  I'm not entirely certain the dog draped in the chair is still alive or if it expired from natural (or unnatural)causes.

My buddy puts her fingers on the scanner, but she is told her hands are too dry.  The scan shows with little interruptions.  Perhaps some lotion will help, the tester suggests.  No, what will help for real is a huge spray can of Lysol.

Oh, and no hits when the prints make their way into the system.  That would be special, too.  Relatively safe and sound (and covered in god-knows what strains of bacteria), we finish up, hightail it out of there, and flee, windows down, hoping the hot breeze kills anything crawling around that we may have picked up.

Damnit, fingerprinting is DANGEROUS!