Friday, May 1, 2015


I have new solar lights for my walkway.

Okay, they're not so new.  I bought them last fall (and truly hope they still work).  But, they are new to me.  I decide it's time to clean out the small area next to where I park my car, maybe plant some flowers and put in those lights that I hope still work.

I grab the rake, walk toward the offensive little area with my plan in mind:  Clear out the mulchy crap left over from last fall, measure the area to plan a mini-flower garden, then perhaps buy some plants, and put them in over the weekend.  The only thing in the little area is a holly bush.

Oh, and bees.  Hundreds, maybe thousands, of bees.

This not only sucks for my gardening plans; this sucks because I have to walk right through the insects to get to and from my house.  It's not just a few bees -- It's like I can hear those fuckers buzzing as soon as I cut the engine of my car mere feet from the holly bush.

I debate spraying, I debate clearing it out, I debate the merits of being stung by all those little bastards.

In the end I attach a note to my rent check and have a quick conversation with my landlady.  After all, the new lights can wait (hopefully not another six months), but they can't wait too long.  Spring is buzzing ... in  more ways than one.