Sunday, May 10, 2015


Graduation – That time in a parent’s life when finding a maneuverable parking space at the venue is more nerve-wracking than the actual life-changing pomp and circumstance.

Today’s college graduation event is emotional for several reasons.  First of all, it’s my youngest’s undergrad event, so it’s the last of the major family graduations.  After this, it’s all about grad school, and those are more “relief” than “milestone” events.  Second of all, the graduation is taking place at a venue I’ve never been to before in a city that I haven’t tried to drive around for several decades.

In other words, I have no frigging idea where I am going nor where I will park nor how to get back out afterward to go home.

As we make our way down Elm Street in beautiful downtown Manchester, I pass people walking from their various parking spots and start to panic that I’m not going to find anything.  I turn down a side street and immediately see a sign for event parking.  The lot is almost empty, and it’s right at the arena, and by “right at,” I mean I am practically in the queue line of graduates.

I don’t care how much it will cost me.  I’m in.  I hand the guy some cash, back in, and I’m safely parked in the front row in the best spot in a small lot with no worries about being stuck for an hour or more in a garage.  Everything is going so well already! 

Everything, that is, except for the police tape.

When we leave the lot and try to cut through the small tarred area to the venue, a police officer screams at us to stay on the sidewalk.  Well, sorry, dude.  Sue us.  We’re just cutting through an empty lot.  God forbid we walk a few feet over the macadam to the graduation ceremony.

We do the whole perimeter thing and meet up with my daughter in front of the building.  I start wondering, “Did I lock the car?”  Then I realize I forgot my water in the car.  Even though my vehicle is within spitting distance of where I am gathering with family, there is no way I’m going back.  There is no way I’m circumnavigating that tiny empty lot and having that damn cop scream at me again.  Seriously.  Fuck that shit.  My day is crazy enough without getting arrested for jaywalking across an abandoned swath of nothingness in beautiful downtown Manchester just to get a water bottle.

The graduation goes well.  It’s semi-organized chaos, with no alphabetical coordination to the event, and I manage to snap as many pictures as possible, never quite certain when my kiddo is going to walk across the stage because we are so far away from the front and because it’s basically mayhem up there.  Afterward, we all meet on the grassy knoll in front of the arena to take pictures, the backdrop of which is the gas station across the street, which, mysteriously enough, is also cordoned off with police tape.

Upon closer inspection, there are crime scene investigators and news trucks all over the damn place.  We come to realize that the police tape we avoided earlier on our side of Elm Street is connected to the police tape on the other side of Elm Street.  Apparently, a homicide has taken place right where we are parked, standing, and holding graduation.

Sick to admit, but … How cool is this?  How often do you get to go to a graduation event and walk through (or attempt to walk through until the police yell at you) a murder investigation?

Most fascinating graduation … ever!

After all, nothing says “Welcome to Manch-Vegas; hope you enjoy your child’s graduation” quite like a triple-stabbing and a homicide.