This is all good except that I am currently housing probably fifty pounds of chocolate in my house right now. That's not really the bad news part. The bad news part is that it's going to be in the 80's this week and also very humid this weekend. I can just imagine the state of the chocolate had I not been lazy.
You see, I still have my air conditioners in the windows.
I normally leave them in until Columbus Day, just in case. I'm thinking I'll leave them in until after the wedding, though. They're old air conditioners, and I'm not sure I like the idea of leaving them on all day while I'm at work and at grad school and at an open house for school and at the hairdresser and in New Hampshire and in Maine...
But I am much more concerned about melted chocolate all over the place than I am with electricity being wasted or anything overheating.
So I say thanks for small victories. I'll take them, even if keeping my house cool and saving the chocolate is a victory won merely on my own sheer laziness. Okay, maybe I can pretend it's my Yankee ingenuity and that I knew, just completely and totally knew, that Mother Nature would throw one more "FU" in my face before the festivities.
Oh, who the hell am I kidding? I'm doing the damn Happy Dance over here. Bring it on, Mother Nature, you bitch. I'm ready and waiting.