Saturday, June 8, 2013


I like rainy days.  Today is one of those exceptionally great rainy days when the rain lets loose and pours straight down; no wind-driven spikes of water coming sideways, just a plain old dumping of water straight from the sky.

The construction that is going on at work is strangely compelling as it turns into a giant mud bog.  I used to drive an SUV with a lift kit in it, an old Chevy Blazer with big-ass tires on it.  It is a day like this that makes me miss the old Blazer in the worst way.  I start fantasizing about putting a lift kit into my Dodge Caliber on days like this so I can haul it through a decent mud puddle the size of a small pond.

For anyone who thinks that taking a lifted truck through a decent mud bog is a Redneck sport, let me assure you, it's not.  Well, it may well be, but it's not just a Redneck sport.  It's actually a bit like childhood coming alive.  Remember making mud pies?  It's like that, only bigger and better.  Remember playing with trucks at the beach and building roads and race courses into the sloppy surf-soaked sand?  It's like that, only for real.  Remember playing with your food, dragging your fork through the mashed potatoes and making the gravy run all over the plate in little rivulets?  Yeah, just like that, only the truck is the fork, and you're driving right through the potatoes full-tilt.

I'm the distracted one today.  I'm the one who keeps staring out the windows, longing to be outside, knee-deep in mud, roaring through the slobbery trenches and spraying brown muck on anything beside and behind me.

It's a rainy day like today that the workers on the construction crew, especially those driving the smaller equipment, truly don't realize how lucky they are.  They get to play in the mud all day long and get paid to do it. Lucky bastards.

The rain is predicted to get heavier throughout the night, dropping maybe three inches of the stuff by mid-morning.  Right now it is pouring buckets straight down like faucets.  I know because I looked out the window and I opened the door, as if seeing isn't enough for believing.  There's a cement patio outside, and the water pools furiously then rushes away.

I miss the mud.  I miss the look of it and the smell of it.  On a day like today, I'm sure some of those workers must be wishing they were inside as they tool around in the spontaneous bogs that are their site.  I wish I were outside with them. 

I guess that makes our thinking a little muddy. 

At least something gets to play in the mud today.