Monday, March 25, 2013


I see the first ladybug
            of the season today. 
It is clinging to my front step,
            all alone,
                        like some kind of extreme rock climber
                                    on a solitary mission. 
I am a little surprised to see it because
            it is still chilly out. 
I am also surprised the ladybug is
Usually when the spring
            ladybugs attack,
                        they do so in swarms,
                                    ending up both
                                                inside and outside
                                                            the house. 
Spring isn't official until the
            Attack of the Ladybugs
It's our New England version of
            Attack of the Killer Bees
                        except without the bees. 
It's like a bazillion miniature flying
            Minnie Mouses
                        descending on us all red with polka dots
                                    except the wrong color dots.
But today there is
            only one
                                    clinging to the step,
                                                climbing away from winter
                                                            just like the rest of us.